Copyright © Tech Skills on Wheels. All Rights Reserved.

We must learn to fit into the global economy, because in the 21st Century, we are more connected than previous generations.

Mobile Library
  • George Washington Carver had a mobile school that he used to impact his community, while serving at the Tuskegee Institute.

  • For over a century and throughout the United States, mobile libraries (sometimes called "Bookmobiles") have been actively serving communities near and far.

Tech Skills on Wheels (TSOW) is based in San Antonio, Texas and focuses on teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Actually, we also include an "Arts" component, so we teach a STEAM Curriculum. Either way, we primarily serve middle and high school students to help ensure they are keeping their STEAM skills sharp and able to ultimately, effectively compete in the global community. What makes us unique is our mobility and ability to serve children in a variety of locations.

The concept of a mobile classroom is neither new nor unique.

The concept for Tech Skills on Wheels actually originates from the mobile library. Years ago, a mobile library would frequent San Antonio disadvantaged neighborhoods. Every two weeks, the children would conveniently leave their classrooms; go to the mobile library parked on campus; and check out tons of fun books. This library encouraged literacy where it might not have otherwise flourished

We use Bloom's Taxonomy to assist students to internalize course objectives, and encourage critical and higher-order thinking to develop young minds into tomorrow's leaders using our STEAM Curriculum.

   Donations are being accepted to continue our ongoing services and purchase mobile STEAM (Science, Technology,     Engineering, Arts, Math) classrooms to serve San Antonio and surrounding communities.

Please donate generously.

All donations are tax deductible

Favorite Students Modules

Today, in the 21st century, TSOW simply brings the STEAM Curriculum to life in fun and exciting ways. Various learning styles are incorporated to maximize student learning.

We realize there is a tremendous gap between the technology "haves" and the technology "have nots."

TSOW is on a mission to help close the gap in Information Technology (aka the "Digital Divide") and support San Antonio residents in becoming more competitive near and far.

Bloom's Taxonomy is designed to help students navigate through distinct levels of thinking.

Tech Skills on Wheels

Non-profit 501(C)(3)